
Carol Brown
"I love to watch animals. They're alive to everything going on around them. At the same time, they're completely focused on what they're doing. If a bear isn't good at fishing, she may starve to death. If a deer is not alert and fast, he may be shot. Good hunters respect their prey and shoot accurately. Some of them thank the animals for giving them their life. I try to be a good hunter with a brush."

Paul Davis
Paul Davis was a professor of Art and Chairman of the Department at the Univeristy of Utah. He is an accomplished painter and revered by his former students. He has been featured in publications including Southwest Art Magazine and Utah Painting and Sculpture by Vern Swenson. His work has been shown in New York City, San Francisco, Santa Fe and of course, Torrey. Paul Davis created the lithograph while at the University of Utah.

Ed Maryon
Ed Maryon was a great Utah artist and educator, having served as the Chairman of the excellent University of Utah Art Department